EWGT 2024 awardees announced

The Bentley Education Award for the best paper in the field of public transport optimization, presented in memory of Prof. Yuval Hadas was granted ex-aequo to:

  • Oliver Bachtler, Irene Heinrich, Philine Schiewe and Constantin Seeb. Non-pool-based line planning: a practical analysis of the FPT algorithm tw-lines on circular cities.
  • Andrés Rodriguez, Maira Delgado-Lindeman and Luigi Dell’Olio. Analysis of public transport quality indicators considering the spatial configuration of routes.

The Trivector Award, for the best paper in the areas of innovation and sustainability was granted to:

  • Fulvio Morgese, Simona De Bartolomeo, Mario Binetti and Leonardo Caggiani. A resilience indicator for sustainable tourism in urban road networks

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