RailDresden 2025 2nd call

Dear friends and colleagues,

It is our pleasure to share the 2nd call for papers for the 11th International Conference on Railway Operations Modelling and Analysis – RailDresden 2025. It will be held 1-4 April 2025 in Dresden. All relevant info can be found attached.

We have been already busy with the conference preparations including keynote speakers, mini course and technical visits. So far, you may expect the first keynotes: Prof. Anita Schöbel, RPTU and Prof. Arnd Stephan, TU Dresden. One novelty this year: we will also host a poster session(s) – the selection will be made based on the abstracts.

More info at: www.raildresden2025.de. We will be enriching the program and updating the pages, and more relevant info will be available soon.

Hope to see you all in Dresden next year!

Best on behalf of the organising committee,


Prof. Dr. Nikola Bešinović

Chair of Railway Operations

Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences “Friedrich List”

Technical University of Dresden



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