EWGT 2024 Update: Extended Early Bird Registration and Review Status

Dear EWGT 2024 Authors,

We hope this message finds you well. We are writing to provide an update on the status of paper acceptance notifications for the EWGT 2024 conference and to share some important reminders.

  1. Review Process Update: We are continuing to send notifications of acceptance or rejection as soon as we receive the reviews from the reviewers. Thank you for your patience during this process. We plan to send out the remaining reviews by Friday, July 19th, at the latest.
  2. Extended Early Bird Registration: Due to the delay in the review process, we have officially extended the early bird registration deadline by one week, now ending on July 22nd. We encourage you to register as soon as possible to take advantage of the discounted rate.
  3. Participation and Presentation: Regardless of the outcome of your full paper’s review, you are still welcome to participate and share your findings at the conference, as your extended abstract has been accepted. This is an excellent opportunity to receive feedback and improve your study. Even if your full paper is not accepted, you can revise it significantly and resubmit it for a second round of reviews for potential publication in Transportation Research Procedia. Additionally, you can submit your work to special issues if it aligns with the conference topics. More information and submission guidelines can be found on our website.

Please note that for each accepted paper, at least one author must register, pay the registration fee, and personally present the paper at the conference.

  1. Publication in Transportation Research Procedia: We are still finalizing the agreement with the journal, but we expect all contributions to be ready and submitted by October 31st. Therefore, the updated version of your full papers, incorporating the reviews you are receiving during this round, must be submitted through EasyChair by approximately mid-September. There will be a second round of reviews for those papers that require major changes. We will confirm the exact deadline and notify you as soon as it is finalized.
  2. Conference Program: The conference program will be ready, and a tentative version will be circulated among authors by mid-August. At that point, we will address any conflicting schedule issues with the authors, but we plan to avoid major changes. The conference will take place from 9:00 am on September 4th to 1:00 pm on September 6th, ending before lunch.

Thank you for your understanding and patience. We look forward to your participation in EWGT 2024. For inquiries or more information, please contact the conference organizers:

Best regards,

Rosalia (Lia) Camporeale
EWGT 2024 Chair
Assistant Professor at the Division of Transport and Roads, LTH, Lund University
on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee

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